Sunday, February 14, 2010

Does Centrelink Give Business Loans Does Anyone Know If Centrelink Offer Small Business Loans?

Does anyone know if centrelink offer small business loans? - does centrelink give business loans

I am interested in buying a small company like, for $ 5000, but I am a housewife with no income, Centrelink payments alone, and I'm wondering if anyone knows whether to Centrelink or the offer of another company, the loan small businesses?

1 comment:

Bruce M said...


Be Centrelink loans only up to $ 500. There are loans to small businesses by DEET, but the Howard government has ceased.

I did a quick Google search on Google. Follow the link to the source.

If you see something much less expensive to start, my profile. I'm at a Centrelink payment, and I begin to make good progress with great friendliness of small businesses online.

Good luck to you.

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